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SimpleQC is now SimpleView with many enhancements.

In a nutshell it is designed to let you quickly browse folders containing multi-page TIFF or PDF documents. The two main uses for this are:

1 Review scanned documents for Quality Control

Occasionally a scanned document will be too light or too dark to be read. This can happen quite often with some types of paper. Use SimpleView to find these pages quickly and rescan them. You can also correct page order, rotation, skew, etc.

2 Use as a document viewer

SimpleIndex and other scanning applications create folders and files on your hard drive or network to store documents. Use SimpleView to quickly browse image thumbnails by folder and filename. Auto-rotate, enhance and OCR images as needed.

SimpleView is different from other thumbnail viewers because:

-It loads multi-page TIFF files very quickly

-It displays thumbnails for files as well as pages within multi-page files on the same screen

-It has many functions for document QC such as auto-selecting even and odd pages or files for rotation, rescan pages

-It displays thumbnails for PDF files and displays them in the Acrobat viewer

-With Acrobat Standard or Pro you can enable editing & signing of PDF files

-Previewing of office documents and other OLE-enabled applications is also available